Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Everybody Loves a Little T.L.C.

The other day, we had a client say, "You never realize how bad your pet was feeling until they're feeling good again."  When we are sick, we need Tender Loving Care, and we let everyone know about it.  How can our pets tell us?  Here is the first problem:  They don't tell us.  They always try to hide their problems because instinct tells them to do so.  When we would seek out T.L.C., our pets will hide.  We have to look for subtle signs.  Is Fluffy hiding?  Does she seek out warm spots?  Is she taking longer to greet you when you get home?  Does she growl when you touch certain spots?  Does she suddenly seem to have lost five pounds overnight?  Is she drinking more water?  Is she asking to go out all of the time?  Has her litter box been particularly wet lately?

We can combat our pets' natural tendency to hide problems with careful observation and preventive care.  Every time you visit us, we weigh your pet so we will catch gradual weight changes.  We use the annual exam and blood work to detect metabolic and physical changes.  In between visits, if your dog or at is hiding, lethargic, or just generally 'off' his normal behavior, we'd love to see him.  Pets (especially cats) will hide their problems until there is not much we can do to help.  Please don't let them wait too long.

Kelley Wagner, CVT

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